Last Updated: 13 August 2024By Categories:

All girls at school!

In the Democratic Republic of Congo, half of all girls are out of school. Only one in ten finishes her studies, with the risk of becoming a child bride and teenage mother.

That’s why every year we guarantee 80 girls in our Kunda Dia Zayi school their right to attend school.
By supporting a scholarship, you are giving a child a different choice for her future.
What about the girls who have already had to drop out of school? For them we designed a vocational program in sewing and horticulture.
The majority of them are teenage mothers, and through our program, they also receive training in hygiene and nutrition to ensure the optimal care for their children’s healthy growth.

  • Scholarships for 80 primary and secondary school girls

  • Professional course for 90 girls each year

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