Adventure Project

Adventure Project

Last Updated: 24 January 2025By Categories:

Adventure Project

Sustainable Electrical Engineering: Bridging the Gaps Between Education, Training, and the Labor Market in Vulnerable Latin American Contexts

The ADVENTURE project is a European Union co-funded initiative developed under the Erasmus+ program, with a duration of 24 months.

This project is specifically designed to address the critical needs of Vocational Education and Training (VET) providers and target groups in Latin American countries, including Argentina, El Salvador, and Ecuador. It actively involves local stakeholders to ensure meaningful engagement and impact.

Over the course of two years, the project will bring together organizations from Europe and Latin America to foster collaboration, exchange knowledge, and tackle the skills mismatch in the electrical engineering sector. By aligning education and training with labor market demands, the ADVENTURE project aims to bridge skill gaps, enhance employability, and improve the quality of vocational education and training programs.


The ADVENTURE project brings together a diverse and experienced group of partners, including organizations from both Europe and Latin America. Each partner plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of the project, contributing their expertise and local knowledge to foster international collaboration. Led by La Salle Foundation, the project is made possible by:

  • ACTECT (Association for cultural, technical and educational Cooperation) – Belgium
  • FORMAC (Formac spolka z ograniczona odpowiedzialnoscia ska) – Poland.
  • UDB (Universidad D0n Bosco) – El Salvador.
  • Fundacion SES (sustentabilidad, educacion, solidaridad) – Argentina.
  • SBLS (Consejo gubernativo de los establecimientos de education y de ensenanza y de los bienes de los Hermanos de las Escuelas cristianas en la republica del Ecuador)-Ecuador.
  • Fundacion La Salle Argentina – Argentina.
  • ESAIP (Association d’enseignement technique superieur) – France.


FINAL PUBLICATION2025-02-26T10:37:17+01:00

Learn everything you need to know about the Adventure Project. Download the final publication in  EN IT  FR ES PL


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